<![CDATA[Native American Church of Virginia - Helping Veterans]]>Mon, 10 Mar 2025 19:19:41 -0700Weebly<![CDATA[Native American Women Warriors Protecting and Defending]]>Tue, 04 Mar 2025 17:28:58 GMThttp://sanctuaryonthetrail.org/helping-veterans/native-american-women-warriors-protecting-and-defending
​According to the Department of Defense, American Indians and Alaska Natives have one of the highest representations in the armed forces, and Native American women are the fastest-growing population of veterans.

NAWW is dedicated to empowering our Native American women warriors. with the tools and support that they need in active duty and/or retirement.

NAWW members aid in other warrior women their transition from a warrior’s journey to civilian life through readjustment assistance, strengthening cultural ties, assistance with mental health and wellness services, and career readiness.
The Native American Women Warriors Association is a nonprofit 501 (c)(3) organization. Gifts or contributions from individuals are tax deductible as allowed by law.

All levels of contributions will help support our mission for years to come. 

If interested, please email admin@nawwassociation.com for more information on how you too can “serve” our warriors. 

Lumbee  Women Warriors

Co-Founder Sanctuary on the Trail, Rene' Locklear White (Lumbee) retired from the Air Force.
Amazon photo
Sanctuary on the Trail co-founder Rene' Locklear White's great aunt Rhoda Strong Lowery (1849-1909), wife of Henry Berry Lowery, was a warrior. 

Rhoda was the daughter of John (Gorman) Strong (b.1806) and Celia Swett (b.1823). 

The NAWW Logo

​Our NAWW logo is a representation that we, Native American Women Warriors, have served with honor and pride in every American war.

Our fighting spirit protects and defends our lands. 

The M-16 rifles across the tipi signify that we are home again. We defend our homelands, and families, and continue to fight and uphold the deep traditions of our Native American cultures. 
Rene' when she was an AF Major helped provide media training to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Richard Myers days before the 2003 Iraq invasion. Myers was the principal military advisor to the president, the secretary of defense, and the National Security Council during the earliest stages of the War on Terror, including planning and execution of the 2003 invasion of Iraq.

<![CDATA[2024 Winter Solstice Sweat Lodge for Veterans]]>Fri, 10 Jan 2025 20:39:05 GMThttp://sanctuaryonthetrail.org/helping-veterans/2024-winter-solstice-sweat-lodge-for-veteransHealing is believing.
<![CDATA[Veteran Needs 911 ER at Non-VA Facility; Call this # for VA to Pay/Transfer Care]]>Tue, 02 Apr 2024 15:38:06 GMThttp://sanctuaryonthetrail.org/helping-veterans/veteran-needs-911-er-at-non-va-facility-call-this-for-va-to-paytransfer-care​Getting emergency care at non-VA facilities
Call: 1-844-724-7842
Our co-founder Lt. Col. (Ret) Rene' Locklear White helps veterans with their benefits.
Emergency Treatment to VA through VA's Emergency Care Reporting (ECR) portal, https://EmergencyCareReporting.CommunityCare.va.gov or by calling 844-72HRVHA (844-724-7842) to coordinate follow-on care and transfer activities, if necessary.

If you think your life or health is in danger, call 911 or go to the nearest emergency department. You don’t need to check with them first.

But if you go to a non-VA facility—even one that’s in the VA's community care network—you must follow certain rules so that they can cover the cost of your care. Read more here to learn what you need to know if you go to a non-VA facility for emergency care.
<![CDATA[Hope on the Healing Mountain: Lumbee Warrior Fights Rare Disease in Search for Cure]]>Wed, 25 Dec 2019 14:18:09 GMThttp://sanctuaryonthetrail.org/helping-veterans/hope-on-the-healing-mountain-lumbee-warrior-fights-rare-disease-in-search-for-cureBy Lauren Winebrenner
Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Martinsburg VA Medical Center
As indigenous people, we have unique perspectives on life, family and sickness. “We believe that most illness starts with the spirit – it invades the mind, and then manifests itself physically,” said Chris in this U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs interview. “When Carla came, we talked to her about the spiritual aspect of her care and verbalizing positive language into existence.”

Read the FULL STORY written by 
Lauren Winebrenner here.  
Full Article
It’s not predictable and at times it is very tough for Carla, but she fights on and continues to live her vision statement: “To be on a healing journey, on a healing mountain and search for a cure”
We are proud at the Sanctuary on the Trail to be part of Carla's journey and to be interviewed by the Department of Veteran Affairs. Blessings to all and to good possibilities in 2020.

Meanwhile, storyboard your problems and find solutions to create a life you are happiest living.
<![CDATA[Mother Daughter Treasuring Time]]>Thu, 31 May 2018 13:39:20 GMThttp://sanctuaryonthetrail.org/helping-veterans/mother-daughter-treasuring-time
By René Locklear White 
May 28, Memorial Day 2018

​Honeysuckles. Go green Spring!  Our daughter is home on military leave.

Only one day left, then she returns to her military unit.

She is upstairs rummaging through boxes left on purpose, before she shipped off to boot camp and then tech-school. Books. Old movies. A Native American dream catcher.

I am downstairs. My old military storage-chest rests in the center of our living room, partially open. I look inside for something to distract me from her leaving again. Cards. Un-played games. Blocks with no boxes. 

How many boxes did I leave, pick up and move since I joined the Air Force in 1989? I cannot remember.  

Then, I get present to an old aircraft F-16 model-kit in my military chest. When she was born in 1995, I did not decorate her baby room with fun colors and plush toys. I assembled aircraft models to hang over her crib and give her air superiority.  

​How did life get so busy that I never finished this F-16 Fighting Falcon 22 years ago? I was a young Air Force Captain then. My first model was a small Army Apache helicopter.

Now, while she searches for treasures upstairs, I begin working on my old model. I get glue, tweezers, nail clippers and begin assembling the little F-16 engine and engine-air-inlet.  

A little while later, my daughter comes downstairs, “So what’s this mom?”

In our pajamas, together we begin assembling, where time and life stopped. I cherish each assembly in a new way; I feel she does too.

I am watching and listening as she builds the same F-16 aircraft she is now learning to actually land. My daughter attends Air Traffic Control School at the Air Force’s largest combat F-16 wing in the world, Shaw AFB.

Who would have ever guessed we would be sitting here 22 years later. I am retired Air Force. She is active duty. What timing! What are the chances? Or maybe this is a spiritual happening?   

Here we are, mother and daughter. Two Native American, female veterans. Treasuring time. Building something new together. Not just an aircraft, but new possibilities.

Fragrant memories. Go Air Force blue! Our daughter was home on military leave.
<![CDATA[BCR Healing Garden:  Featured in Spring 2018 Better Homes and Gardens Magazine]]>Tue, 30 Jan 2018 16:25:56 GMThttp://sanctuaryonthetrail.org/helping-veterans/bcr-healing-garden-featured-in-spring-2018-better-homes-and-gardens-magazineReducing Suffering for our Veterans and First Responders
Special thanks to Better Homes and Gardens Marty Ross writer and producer and Bob Stefko photographer for interviewing me for this "Breaking Ground" article highlighting where combat vets and first responders find healing in our Boulder Crest Retreat Virginia's Wallis Annenberg Heroes Garden.
Get involved at Boulder Crest Retreat
​Get a FREE Year subscription to Country Gardens 
Thank you: BCR lead guide Suzi Landolphi for leading this magazine initiative, Ken and Julia Falke for your constant support, Dusty Baxley for offering me BCR's chef and horticulture position, my super supervisor Carrie Combs Nelson, our BCR property manager Patrick Frye, extraordinary volunteers Donna Hackman & Lisa Catlett,  and of course our treasured BCR volunteers and donors for whom we could not accomplish our calling without.

​-- Rene' Locklear White, Lumbee 
BCR Chef and Horticulture Speciliast 
​Co-Founder Sanctuary on the Trail
<![CDATA[Know Someone Who Needs Veteran Housing Benefits?]]>Tue, 16 Jan 2018 19:42:00 GMThttp://sanctuaryonthetrail.org/helping-veterans/know-someone-who-needs-veteran-housing-benefits

Ask Our
​Local Housing Team

Martinsburg VA in West Virginia 
​304-263-0811 ext. 4553  ext. 4676.
Homeless Veteran Hotline 
1-877-4AID-VET (1-877-424-3838)

Each VA Regional Office has a Homeless Veterans Outreach Coordinator who is a direct point of contact for you to learn more about what benefits you qualify for, assist you with applying for those benefits, and refer you to other organizations and resources that will help you get back on your feet.

To find your local Homeless Veterans Outreach Coordinator, please visit the nearest VA Regional Office or call VA's National Call Center for Homeless Veterans at 1-877-4AID-VET (1-877-424-3838).
<![CDATA[VFW Helps Veterans Get Unpaid Bills Paid]]>Tue, 16 Jan 2018 19:27:06 GMThttp://sanctuaryonthetrail.org/helping-veterans/vfw-helps-veterans-get-unpaid-bills-paid
VFW Helps Veterans Get Unmet Needs Met:
Expenses Eligible for payment:
  • Household expenses – mortgage, rent, repairs, insurance.
  • Vehicle expenses – payments, insurance, repairs (major repairs for vehicles over ten years old will not be considered).
  • Utilities.
  • Food and clothing.
  • Children’s clothing, diapers, formula, school or childcare expenses.
  • Medical bills, prescriptions & eyeglasses – the patient’s portion for necessary or emergency medical care only.

<![CDATA[Judging a Chili Cook-Off for Vets]]>Thu, 30 Nov 2017 08:00:00 GMThttp://sanctuaryonthetrail.org/helping-veterans/judging-a-chili-cook-off-for-vetsDream come true to have an opportunity to judge a chili cook-off. Working at Boulder Crest Retreat has a lot of unusual perks. Special thanks to the annual Frederick County Employee's group for inviting me along with other veterans to judge their chili cook-off, then they donated more than $2,000 to Boulder Crest Retreat. Picture

<![CDATA[Beyond Barracks video by We Are The Mighty, features Sanctuary on the Trail]]>Mon, 30 Jan 2017 19:24:27 GMThttp://sanctuaryonthetrail.org/helping-veterans/beyond-barracks-video-by-we-are-the-mighty-features-sanctuary-on-the-trail
We Are The Mighty recently produced a new episode of an ongoing digital series entitled "Beyond Barracks" for Veterans First Mortgage.
featuring Sanctuary on the Trail CEO and President, Chris and Rene' White. 

Led by retired Lt. Col. and Producer Francisco "Paco" Hamm, the director of this particular series, Jim Fabio is an incredibly talented director and artist, visited Sanctuary on the Trail to produce this special feature. 
